Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stylish MILANO

This weekend I went to Milan, Italy. There was a group of 6 of us girls. We took a train very early in the morning and got to Milan around 1pm. I can see now why Milan is known as one of the fashion capitals of the world. Everyone is living a life of luxury and is super fashionable...even the guys.
We had some pretty strange encounters in Milan. It was a fun weekend. Here are some random pictures.
Found a pumpkin
Buying this for Ricky and Angela's first child
Heart-shaped coffee
Halloween Barbie
Dog's Fashion World
Fashion district
Leonardo de Vinci
The Duomo di Milano is a huge cathedral. When we were looking for the Duomo, we were looking for a dome. The Duomo is not really a dome so don't be fooled if you ever go to Milan. We were able to climb to the top of the Duomo (for a cost of course). It was a really great view and interesting to see the intricate architecture up close. It was quite the trek to the top!
In the Piazza del Duomo there were so many sketch people trying to make a euro. People would put corn in your hand so pigeons would come eat out of it, but then they would say "2 euros, 2 euros!" I told them I was not going to pay them anything! There were other people that would give you bracelets and then tell you to pay for them. So many people would just walk away with the bracelets. I don't understand how it is worth their time to do this in the plaza all day, especially when most people don't even pay them. I think they should look into getting a real job.  
In the Piazza del Duomo there was also free toilet paper. ????? Don't ask my why. And to make it even weirder the girls handing out the toilet paper where wearing very fancy dresses. ????? When we first saw them walking we were like, "Oh, look a wedding!" But then we saw them handing out toilet paper. It was not a wedding. Even the toilet paper in Milan is fashionable!
HUGE dog!
Milan was the first time I have ever stayed in a hostel in my life! I was so nervous. And being the really smart person I am...I made my reservation for the wrong night! I would! But anyways, it ended up ok and they said I could stay the night, but I wouldn't be in the same room as the other girls. I was ok with that. Just as long as I had a place to sleep for the night I was happy. So the guy takes me to my room and says that he will be back with a blanket for me in like an hour. So, and hour goes blanket. I eventually went to go find him to ask him for a blanket but I couldn't find him. I slept with no blanket. It was freezing. I ended up taking the sheet off the other side of the bed and folding in over me. I put my tights back on, socks on, jacket on, scarf on, and my other jacket over my legs. It was quite the makeshift blanket. I slept fine though because I was so tired from walking around all day. The girls told me not to judge hostels by this one because apparently compared to other hostels it was pretty ghetto. At least I survived the night. 
Santa Maria delle grazie is where the Last Supper by de Vinci is located. You have to buy tickets way in advance and they are super expensive to actually see the painting so we couldn't go see it. At least we could see the outside of the church though. Every time I see the Last Supper now all I think about in the De Vinci Code and the "V" to the left of Jesus and the hypothetical Mary Magdalene sitting next to Him.  
I had a fun weekend in Milan with the girls. It makes me excited to see other cities in Italy. I just wish they spoke french. That would make it even better! At least I can understand Italian better than Spanish.

Ciao bella!

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