Today was another wandering through Venice day. First we tried to find Casanova's house but there wasn't an exact address or big sign so who knows if we actually found it. We were in the neighborhood though. I took pictures of a bunch of balconies in the of them has to be his!
I bought a mask today. I am going to wear it for Halloween. It is so pretty though. All the masks in this store were beautiful. It was had to pick one. When I get home I am going to put it in my room as decoration! It reminded both ma mere and me of the movie Gone With The Wind. The part when she has her dress made of the green curtains if you have seen it.
For lunch, we went to a Hard Rock Cafe again. I got my Pop Princess drink again. It was amazing...again.
This evening we took a boat on the Grand Canal. Not a gondola ride because those are way WAY to expensive. Instead we took what would be equivalent to the city bus in a normal city with roads. We took a water bus to be exact. Cheaper and way less cool than a gondola. I still enjoyed the ride!
Oh the walk back to the hotel...a random boy slapped my butt! HOW RUDE! Guess I won't find my Casanova here. Just stupid boys like the rest of the world.
Tomorrow we head back to Nice. Let's hope we can make it due to the strikes! Crazy French people!
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