Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Museums and Midterms

Sorry for the delay in the blogs. We haven't had internet at our hotels thus far. Hello! It's the 21st century. Who doesn't use internet today besides maybe the Amish and those tribes in the middle of the Amazon. Our last hotel in Sorrento had internet...but it cost 17 euros. WHAT?!? But now we have free internet in Rome. Much better. I feel connected to the world once again.

As ma mere said, Dad arrived last tuesday. I didn't have any class last wednesday so we were going to go somewhere like Monaco but because of the stupid transportation strike we were stuck in Nice. We ended up going to two art museums that I am suppose to go to anyways for my French culture class. We went to the Matisse Museum and the Marc Chagalle Museum. I liked the Chagalle Museum but Matisse not so much...
So then on Thursday I had two classes that were scheduled for the same time, French Culture and Marketing. I usually go to Marketing but I decided I should probably go to  Culture since I never make the Thursday lecture. And good thing I did. At the end of lecture the teacher said something about a multiple choice quiz. I asked one of my friends when the quiz was and she said it was today. That all midterms were today. MIDTERM! I had no idea we had a midterm for this class, let alone that it was today! Let's just say I don't think I did very well on the midterm, but I guess some points are better than getting a zero which almost happened.

Oh well, these classes probably won't transfer anyways.

The midterm was a complete joke! I'm not saying it was easy because it wasn't but just the way IPAG does things is so unorganized! We get to school and there are about 20 different sheets with students names and which room you are in. No one understood what meant what. Finally we get to the right room. The Procter didn't speak a word of English so another teacher comes to "help" her. She yells at us that all of our bags should be in the back of the room. So we all get up to put our stuff in the back. We sit back down. Then she yells at us that our student cards should be in front of us so they can check them. Where did she think our ID cards were!? So we all get up again, go to the back of the room by our bags, and get our ID cards. Then she asks who is only taking one test. We raise our hands. "WHY ARN'T YOU ALL SITTING ON THIS SIDE OF THE ROOM?!" How were we suppose to know. She never said anything. It then took about a half hour to hand out our 15 minute midterms.

A midterm is suppose to test your knowledge of everything you have learned up until now, right? Right. So how can 20 questions in 15 minutes accomplish this. It can't! Stooopid! I feel bad for the non-native english speakers because they said it took them so long to even understand the questions let along try and figure out the right answer. Moral of the story...IPAG is CRAZY!

Thursday night we had to celebrate our joke of a midterm being over. We ended up going to Wayne's, this pub right by my house. It was so much fun. There was a live band playing everything from oldies to Britney to Backstreet Boys! LOVE! I can't wait to go back!

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