Saturday, October 30, 2010

Shoe style abroad

So I think It's time I did a blog about shoes. Since being in France I have already bought three new pairs.
One pair floral tennies from H&M,
one pair of grey, mary janes flats from MOA,

and one pair of black "combat" boots from a cute boutique.
Check out some equivalents to the shoes I bought to let my European style flourish.
I've noticed that style here is much more comfort driven. Tennies, flats, and flat boots are worn by everyone. Its probably because here in Nice we do a lot more walking than in the States where we drive everywhere. However, just because comfort is key here, that does not mean that the French lack in style. On the contrary, the French know how to dress up their comfy shoes.   

Check out what some of my friends wore out last night to the bars. Flat, tan ankle booties with a buckle and metallic accents and gray, wedge ankle booties with a side zip. Both pairs are fashion forward, yet comfortable for a night of dancing.
I did bring a pair of heels with me but to be honest, I have only worn them once. With all the walking, and dancing, and walking some more...I regret even wearing them. From now on I stick to my flats here. Many of the heels I have seen, however, have had a significantly lower heel than one might see in the US. 
See... they are still sleek and sexy without the 4 inch stiletto. 

Shoes are huge in Europe. There is a shoe store at least every block. I have never seen so many different shoe stores in my life. And they represent every price range. (I prefer the store on the cheaper side of the spectrum.) Of course you have your Louis Vuitton and Minelli stores, but trust me you can find cute shoes at any price.  

So that's my quick update on shoe fashion out here in Nice, France. In my opinion French fashion is stylish yet geared towards comfort. Your feet don't have to die for the sake of fashion. Go to to see the shoes I posted or to search through thousands of other styles. Also, check out their latest venture, to catch up on the latest shoe news and trends.

Happy shoe hunting.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Today I got my second tattoo. It says "Marcher dans un reve", which means walking through a dream. Johanna went with me.
I was squeezing her hand so tightly...I don't know who was in pain more. Sorry Johanna! It hurt way more than my peace tattoo, but it was less painful than I was expecting. On the ribs is one of the more painful spots to get a tattoo. I have a pretty high pain tolerance though. Either that or I'm just a baller. Maybe both:)
Don't worry, ma mere knew this was going to happen eventually. (Not saying she approves of it, because I'm sure she won't like it, but it shouldn't come as a complete shock to her.)
Now it just needs time to heal. 


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Searching for Casanova

Today was another wandering through Venice day. First we tried to find Casanova's house but there wasn't an exact address or big sign so who knows if we actually found it. We were in the neighborhood though. I took pictures of a bunch of balconies in the of them has to be his!
I bought a mask today. I am going to wear it for Halloween. It is so pretty though. All the masks in this store were beautiful. It was had to pick one. When I get home I am going to put it in my room as decoration! It reminded both ma mere and me of the movie Gone With The Wind. The part when she has her dress made of the green curtains if you have seen it.
For lunch, we went to a Hard Rock Cafe again. I got my Pop Princess drink again. It was amazing...again.
This evening we took a boat on the Grand Canal. Not a gondola ride because those are way WAY to expensive. Instead we took what would be equivalent to the city bus in a normal city with roads. We took a water bus to be exact. Cheaper and way less cool than a gondola. I still enjoyed the ride!

Oh the walk back to the hotel...a random boy slapped my butt! HOW RUDE! Guess I won't find my Casanova here. Just stupid boys like the rest of the world.

Tomorrow we head back to Nice. Let's hope we can make it due to the strikes! Crazy French people!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Venice is a maze! We got lost wandering the canals and streets tonight. It is such a pretty, little city! Reminds me of Old Nice a little bit with the all the winding, narrow streets.

I had to buy a new camera today too because mine broke out of the blue last night. I guess that time that lady in Nice dropped my camera finally caught up with me. Oh well, hopefully this one will last longer!

I finally found a pumpkin today! It's a baby one but I can't be picky! I have actually seen a lot of Halloween stuff here in Venice like candy, decorations, and even a few costumes. I decided I am going to buy a masquerade mask and have that be my costume this year! I can't wait!

Tomorrow, more exploring Venice! Maybe I will run into a modern day Casanova!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vatican City

Today we went to the Vatican. Now I am not Catholic so I don't know alot about Vatican City...but everything I do know is thanks to "Angels and Demons." Everything I saw I was recalling what happened from the movie. "That's where the second Cardial guy dies," "Thats where Ewan Mcgregor burns himself alive," "These are the fountians that explode," and so on... Turns out none of the movie was actually filmed there. Go figure.
First we went to the Vatican Museum. They have so much random stuff from just about every era/region/period ever!
We did get to see the Sistine Chapel. Not going to lie it was a little anti-climatic just like when you see the Mona Lisa. It's like, "Wow I've see this a million times already." I guess it's still cool to see the real thing even if it does look just like all the replicas I've seen in my life. You wern't allowed to take pictures but I was sneaky about it.

After the museum we went to St. Peter's Bascilica. We climbed to the top of the dome too!
Found my future husband today too. I know, you are all probably super jello of me and my new love.
After the Vatican we took a sightseeing bus around the rest of Rome we hadn't seen yet. We got off near the famous Mouth of Truth. I wanted to stick my hand in it, but it was closed. Oh well, I probably would have gotten my hand eaten anyways. Legend has it that if you don't tell the truth then your hand will be taken off if you stick you hand in the statue's mouth or something like that.
Tonight, we took a Rome by night walking tour called "The Dark Heart of Rome." We learned about old ghost stories and legends of Rome. It was really interesting especially since it is almost Halloween! I would highly recommend this tour.

We did sooooo much walking today. I am completely Poped out. (And no, I did not spell that wrong! You get it now?)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

When in Rome

Today was the ultimate tourist day. We hit up the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, and a lot of other sites along the way. Our feet are sore today!
Getting ready to throw my coin in the fountain.
I was expecting a little more from the Spanish Steps, but they are literally just stairs...LITERALLY!
For dinner we went to a restaurant called That's Amore. Pasta and Wine. Nothing gets more Italian than that!
To make our night even more Italian, we stopped for some gelato. And there was a cute polar bear in the front as well! :)
Tomorrow it's off to the Vatican. I am making dad watch the movie "Angels and Demons" right now since he has never seen it and it takes place in Vatican City and Rome. Good movie if you've never seen it!