Monday, September 27, 2010

La police française

Tonight I had a very intense experience...

I was just peacefully laying on my bed using my computer when these two guys come bursting into my house. I thought that maybe the were just drunk but the one guy started yelling "Appelez la police!" I thought he was joking at first, but they didn't leave so I went over and saw that the one guy's face was all bloody and beaten up. I was like, "What is going on!?" The other guy said that they were boyfriends and they just had a little fight and that there was no problem. I was like, "Um, you just came fighting to my apartment, I think there is a big problem!" He kept saying, "There is no problem" and telling the other guy to come with him. I was in between the two of them saying, "No! He doesn't want to come with you obviously. You just beat the crap out of him!" The other guy didn't want to leave with him and I could tell. He kept just looking at me and not moving. I kept shouting into the hallway for help and eventually I saw the police running up the stairs. One of the other neighbors had called them thank goodness. The two guys ran back into their apartment but I told the police what had happened and which apartment they were in. I was blabbing away to the police and totally forgot to speak in French or at least ask if he understood English. I don't know. I was in shock. But then the police told me to go back to my place and they would be there shortly. They eventually came back and said everything was OK now...

Even after the police left though I heard shouting so I don't think the one guy got arrested. I went into the hall later because I heard talking and a bunch of people were leaving with the mean guy. They were his friends I'm assuming. That's good to know he is not staying here tonight.

After thinking about what happened, I realized that I don't even know how to call the police in France! They don't have 911 here. That would have been something important for them to tell us at school orientation, yeah?

I'm kind of in shock right now. I've never been a witness of a crime before. It's scary. I think everything is OK now. Let's just hope I don't run into that one guy anytime soon. He might be mad...

To make matters worse...their dog peed the hallway floor. Gross.
This picture is obviously not from tonight's events, but I thought it was funny because that's my street! We can just pretend I had my camera during this ordeal! In reality, I was way too shocked and hyperventilating! Definitely not capable of taking pictures.

What a crazy night!

PS. GO PACK GO! MNF or ETMF (aka Early Tuesday Morning Football). Let's kill those Bears.

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