Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A destructive day

I missed class for the first time already. Yesterday my alarm didn't go off and so I ended up missing my french class. Oh well.

I made it to all my other classes though. I had my first marketing tutorial. Tutorials are discussion sections. My teacher for tutorial can not be more than five years older than me. It's her first year teaching and she is beautiful. Her name is Sonja. She is half Finnish, half Egyptian. What an exotic mix! I wish I was exotic. She was super nice.

After marketing tutorial I had 3 hours of intercultural management. That class is interesting, but it's just hard to sit there that long. At least we get a 15 minute break in the middle.

Today we talked about Hofstede. You probably have never heard of him. He did a survey of IBM male managers around the world a few decades ago to gather information about different cultures and countries. He came up with four dimensions:
1. Power distance (PD)
2. Uncertainly Avoidance (UA)
3. Individualism vs. Collectivism
4. Masculinity vs. Femininity

It's a little confusing but interesting to compare the differences between countries and the way they perform business. I'm probably not the best one to explain it in detail. In case you were wondering, the US has low PD, low UA, is individualistic and masculine. 

Second worst thing about France: Smoking
The girl next to me in Intercultural management was definitely a smoker. I could not handle sitting next to her. It gave me a head ache for the rest of the class.

But while I'm over here in France, look what is going on back home in Wisconsin!
The kitchen went from this...
to this...
to this...
So weird!
Let's hope today is more constructive.

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