Thursday, August 26, 2010


I know many of you have been asking to see what my studio looks like. So...voila:

Today was orientation. The very first thing we did was go through all the countries represented by the international students. There are students from everywhere! US, UK, Finland, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, China, South Korea, Romania, Ireland, Spain, Brazil, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Mexico, Canada, and of course France. I'm sure I even missed a few. They said we will never have to pay for a hotel anywhere in the future because we will have such an international address book!

Then we had to go through a few administrative things including picking out our classes for the semester. Here are the classes I signed up for:
1.  Principles of Marketing
2. International Business Issues
3. Intercultural Management
4. French Culture and Civilization
5. French

We had to take a french placement test as well, and listen up any french teachers if you are reading... You will be proud! I think I did pretty well! It started off with beginner French with questions like how old are you?, where are you from?, and so on. The test progressively got "harder" (in quotations because using the conditional and pronouns are not that difficult). So let's hope I get into the advanced french group. I would be a little discouraged if I didn't, seeing as I have taking french for over 10 years!

That was pretty much it for orientation. We have a second one on Monday before classes start.

Later today I went exploring a little. I took some pictures around town.  
Someone parasailing off in the distance. Maybe I will get to try something like this

This is a building I pass on my way to school. It lets me know I am headed in the right direction!

Fountains in Nice. Anyone who knows me well, knows I love fountains.

A funny street entertainer

Finally have Nutella, and on to my second baguette already.

I promise I won't keep you updated on every single baguette I buy! So now I am free until Monday. I have three days ahead of me to go exploring around town some more. Most likely there will be some beach time added in there as well. I need to keep my tan up.

Au revoir!


  1. Your studio looks great, very french like. I definitely like the Mocha cape. Which international students are the most dominant? Your classes all sound very interesting. You're going to have fun with International Business Issues. So much going on with the world economy! You have more of your favorite things so close to you now... beach, fountains, and nutella!

  2. Love your apartment. It's so cute. How's Mocha adapting to the time change?

  3. Oh Mocha lol. Yeah where are the pictures of her in Nice? Very glad you got your nutella. Those business classes all sound like ones i have to take. Let us know which french class you got into.
