Saturday, December 18, 2010

Monaco encore

For my last day in Nice I made a quick trip to Monaco with a friend. I wish we could have seen it all lit up a night. The Christmas decorations were still pretty during the day though. I was surprised, however, that there were not diamonds decorating the tress. I mean it is Monaco right?!


I went to the Theatre in Nice one night to see the Philharmonic orchestra play along with the women's and children's choirs. It was called Noel en Provence. So Christmas concert kinda. The theatre was beautiful. Something you would think of Louis XIV going to. The Opera was nice. Kinda strange. Everyone clapped as the performers entered but not after each song so there were the awkward silences in between. It was all in French too, so I had no idea what they were saying. But I guess operas in general are impossible to understand anyways. It was still nice to go.


MAMAC is the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nice. I usually don't like modern art but some of them weren't bad. Here are a few I enjoyed. Also there was roof access and I could see all of Nice from up there. So beautiful!

Christmas Market

Here are a few pictures from the Christmas market in Nice.
Joyeux Noel

17 hours on a plane!

Sorry for the lack in posts lately. My computer broke about two weeks ago and so I have not been able to update. I am actually back home now after a nightmare of a day yesterday.

First of all, I had to wake up at about 4:45 Nice time in order to get the the airport in time. I called for a taxi and waited and waited and waited and it never showed up! So I have to quick get to the bus stop in order to make the airport express bus. The plane was delayed for about an hour, so I had plenty of time to spare. So then I fly Nice to Zurich. My lay over was suppose to be only three hours, but a snow storm came and grounded all the planes. Again I waited and waited and waited until finally we could board the plane. It was about 3pm not. The plane was suppose to leave at 12:55. So I'm sitting on the plan for hours because of all the problems from the snow when finally around 6 they said the flight is canceled. They told us to wait on the plan though so we could get information more quickly about hotel and new flight arrangements. So I waited and waited and waited. Then they say the flight is back on and we are leave around nine. We left the gate around nine but then it took over and hour to get all the snow and ice off the aircraft. So finally a little after ten we were in the air. Yeah! Oh wait I still have a 91/2 hour flight! I had already been on the plane waiting for seven! So the grand total for sitting on that plane yesterday equals almost 17! That is a new record and I'm surprised I didn't kill myself. I can't even handle the flight from LA to Wisconsin! I hate flying so much. I am so happy to be home thought after that ordeal.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Today I went and saw the new Disney movie Tangled. I had to see it in French because there were no showings in English. It's a cartoon though, how hard could it be to understand? I actually understood most all of the movie. I'm so proud of myself! The film was so, so cute and funny and I probably didn't even catch everything so I can imagine it would be even better in English!

Is it weird to be attracted to a cartoon character? Because if Flynn Rider was a real person I bet he would be pretty hot. He's pretty much my new boyfriend! <3

The first thing I did when I got home was download the soundtrack off of iTunes (the English version of course). Even though the singing in French was very pretty.
I love my Disney movies!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Disneyland Paris

While in Paris we went to Disneyland. One of my goals in life is to go to all the different Disney Parks around the world. Now I only have two left, Tokyo and Hong Kong...the two hard ones!
It was not crowded at all so we literally walked on almost every ride. Usually at Disney you don't even have time to do everything in one park, but we made it to both parks!

Most of the attractions were the same but different in little ways. For example on the Haunted Mansion instead of the graveyard scene it was more like a crypt and then a Wild West theme.

My favorite ride was a new one called Crush Coaster. We thought it was a kiddie roller coaster but boy were we wrong! It was way intense! Words can't even do it justice. It's a roller coaster, but your on a turtle shell that spins so you don't really now which direction your going. It starts nicely by going through parts of the Finding Nemo story and then all of a sudden you go down a huge drop! It was so fun. I wish I could go on it over and over again!

The downside of Disneyland Paris was how cold is was. I don't think I have ever been to a theme park when its freezing. That's probably a major reason why there was no crowd. Nothing can stop me from having a good time at Disneyland though. At least it didn't rain or snow while we were there.

For dinner we went to my all time favorite restaurant, Rainforest Cafe!